Pan American Health Organization
Virtual Campus of Public Health


VIRTUAL CLINICAL LEARNING: A project elearning-eHealth for indigenous areas of difficult access in the region of the Americas


The Virtual Campus of Public Health is a network of people, institutions and organizations that share courses, resources, services and activities of education, information and knowledge management in training, with the common purpose of improving the skills of the workforce and public health practice through the development and innovation in the use of information and communication technologies for continuous improvement in the performance of continuing education programs in health. Is itself a tool of the technical cooperation of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) for networked learning in the Americas.

The Virtual Campus of Public Health to fulfill its mission has three main components: The Virtual Classroom (AVS), the Virtual Library (VHL) and the Virtual Clinic (CVL), developing the first two and the third phase implementation.

Purpose of the Virtual Clinical Learningl (VCL)

Provide methodological and technological tools of e-learning for clinical skills development teams (doctors and nurses) in indigenous areas of difficult access in the Americas.

Main services

1. Ask the Experts
2. Second opinion consultation clinic for teaching
3. Discussion of clinical cases
4. Image Gallery: Rx, ultrasound, CT, EKG skin, among other
5. Information Services: magazines, textbooks and other literature of clinical interest.

Pilot 2011-2013

We propose a pilot health teams indigenous and rural areas in countries selected, they would have access to educational services of a Virtual Clinic Health CVSP.

During the pilot phase services would be attended by teachers selected through the nodes of the Virtual Campus of Public Health of Brazil, Chile and Cuba, in the specialties of General Medicine (Family), internal medicine, pediatrics, gynecology, dermatology, Imaging, Cardiology, Pathology and Nursing. Also involved specialists from Canada and the United States.

General Schedule *

1. Design and implementation of infrastructure and the support of the CVD on the Virtual Campus of Public Health. (Web, mobile, tablet)
July 2011 - April 2012

2. Identification and selection of countries and indigenous and rural areas to participate in the pilot
November 2011 - April 2012

3. Selection and training of the teachers who participated in the pilot.
April - December 2012

4- Regional workshop
May 2012

5. Gradual opening of the Virtual Clinic services
June - December 2012

6. Monitoring and service settings
January - April 2013

7. Evaluation of the Pilot Phase
Second half 2013

* Dates depend on fundraising.