Depending on the course, the deadlines for the activities can be reviewed in the Syllabus or course schedule. Also, you have access to the deadlines in the description page of each of the assignments. In other cases, a text appears under each activity in which the dates will be shown.

By participating in VCPH courses, you must have the commitment to spend eight to ten (8-10) hours per week to participate in the different synchronous and asynchronous activities of the course, with permanent delivery of different assignments or exercises and the meeting of deadlines established in the course schedule.

Usually, activities such as readings, assignments, exercises, thematic forums, and general participation in the course are evaluated. In some cases, assessment questionnaires/quizzes are included. In courses with tutors, you must complete a final evaluation or "Intervention Proposal", of feasible application in your work context. This proposal allows the integration of knowledge and facilitates the continuity of thought and action after the course is completed as a learning experience.

Two evaluation scales are used in VCPH courses:

  • A qualitative scale for assessing the various activities based on the criteria defined for the course (VG Very Good - G Good - R Regular - NC not completed)
  • A qualitative scale for final certification of the course and overall assessment of your performance (Passed with Excellence - Passed with Distinction - Passed - Failed)

In the case of country node courses, course certificates will depend on the course and the coordination of the institutions involved in its organization.

Participants who meet the requirements of each course will receive a certificate issued by PAHO.

In courses with tutors, after review by coordinators and the Campus administration, you will be informed through a course announcement when you can download your online certificate. In self-learning courses you can download your online certificate automatically once you have met the requirements of the course.

Before downloading your course certficate, you will need to fill out a survey related to your experience in the course.

When viewing the course home page, you'll see a link to "Grades" in the Administration block on the left. In this section you can see your grades for each of the activities and modules, with the feedback received from your tutor.
