Leaders in International Health Program

The Pan American Health Organization/World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO), through the Leaders in International Health Program, trains health professionals of different countries in the region in the field of international health. This program has been renovated in order to respond in the best possible way to the new challenges in international health in the region. The Program started May 19, 2008 with Ecuadorian participants Dr. Alex Camacho of the Ministry of Public Health, Dr. Galo Fraga of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Dr. Victor Aráuz of PAHO/WHO Ecuador.

The Leaders in International Health Program aims to "contribute to the development of the Health Agenda for the Americas 2008-2017 by strengthening the capacity of the countries in the Region to understand, act upon, and positively influence the international determinants of health, to promote their national interests, and to achieve intersectoral health agreements in the international arena, at all times guided by the principle of greater global equity in health".

In order to achieve this goal, professionals in leadership positions will work to attain a greater capacity for:

  • Analyzing global risks and international determinants of health
  • Formulating policies and influencing decision making
  • Negotiating and advocating for international health
  • Managing cooperation projects and activities in international health
  • Generating and disseminating knowledge about international health
  • Promoting an informed and active public opinion in international health
  • The Program began with an initial phase during which the participants from each country defined the projects they would develop during the Program. They subsequently, participated in a three-week phase on-site in Washington, where they discussed various theoretical aspects related to international health while also meeting with individuals related to their country project and further developing their project ideas.

    Ecuador will participate in two projects, the first of which is bi-national and is titled "Health, Creating Harmonious Borders" and will be developed with the participants from Colombia: Martha Saboyá, Martha Velandia and Isabel Posada, and from Ecuador: Victor Aráuz and Alex Camacho. The other project is led by Galo Fraga and is titled "Access to Antiretroviral Medications in Developing Countries without Capacity for Local Production".

    In addition, they are working on the implementation of a situation room that allows for the consolidation and dissemination of selected topics and the development of a community of practice.

    For PAHO Ecuador, this program is considered one of its priorities for its contribution to the national and the international community. The development of the Program will be reported as it progresses.