
Previsions for 2012 learning video

Audiovisual culture impacted heavily on distance learning projects and initiatives, corporate virtual trainingduring 2011. 13 experts are saying, and mentioned cases may serve as a foundation for the growth of the trend.

A Forbes magazine study found that 60% of the people who make business decisions rather watch videosthan read texts online, and 90% of those surveyed watch videos online much more than a year ago.

In parallel, a survey conducted by Video Arts said the video clip is being incorporated into training instances, to attract students and improve their performance. Without a doubt, extremely important data to be consideredin designing corporate training strategies by 2012.

Mobile Learning: current and anticipated for 2012

We explore the achievements of mobile learning in 2011 and the prospects for the method for this coming year. The results of the Tomorrow Project polls and Elearnity Insights, along with input from 15 experts from the U.S., Spain, Guatemala, Peru, Bolivia, Argentina and Chile, frame a high-impact coral analysis. 5 billion cell phones in the world, bound as the communication device and information used, ensure that training continues to the people and not the job.


Indeed, future prospects for e-learning

What were the main achievements of the virtual training in 2011? What challenges will face the sector fromnext year? What are the market prospects for the immediate future of the industry? What the experts to identifyinnovations coming months? 17 specialists from the United States, Chile, Brazil, Spain, Guatemala, Argentina, Bolivia and Peru were surveyed by America Learning & Media, in order to offer our readersdifferent views and perspectives.


The e-learning and international collaboration

International collaboration realizes numerous initiatives to promote and strengthen the e-learning. The question is: Is the user able to convey the potential of the new reality?, Or actually seeing a dispersion of efforts to show us in a sea of ??noise coming from different places. Also, how does the development of new teaching techniques can be boosted withthe exchange of experiences leading speakers and institutions in each of these initiatives?

Perhaps the most important question that arises is: what is the best way we can reinforcean international dissemination of e-learning?

"The successful online education must be robust and sustainable" Morten Flate Paulsen Interview

What in your opinion the most interesting feature or trend in online education these days?

Morten Flate Paulsen: As coordinator of the European Megatrends Project, identified themegatrend most evident in online education was the development of small-scaleexperiments to large scale operations. Successful online education should be robust and sustainable. I worry so much that online education has been transient, with no success and far from sustainable. Therefore, the project identified and analyzed 26megaproveedores European e-Learning to 10 initiatives prominent e-Learning, which did not achieve outstanding goals.

What are Open Educational Resources?

The Knowledge Society tends to democratize knowledge. Free licensing movements, where the property is no longer central, but it created is accessible to the community, proliferate today. LEARNING REVIEW has investigated how this trend applies to educational resources.

The movement of the Open Educational Resources (OER or OER, its acronym in English) is basically the initiative to share digitized in an open and free for use in teaching, learning and research for educators and students around the world.

Online education versus classroom education?

Pros and cons: the main characteristics of one side or the other. LEARNING REVIEW them about this comparative table as a look that defines what type of training is best foreach situation and learning style.

Arguably, the main reflection gave us this analysis is that the choice of a way to take atraining course strongly related to the style and pace of learning of each student.

On the other hand, not all online programs are the same: some offer greater collaborationbetween students and tutors through forums and chat rooms, while others are "loners." Soadd as a third element of comparison features in addition to online training tools appearwhen Web 2.0 (e-Learning 2.0).

The physical classroom to the virtual classroom and on to the platforms

When many teachers still did not understand the importance and contribution of virtual support through web pages, and the scene erupts into a new possibility: the platforms. The same format allows all players in the educational community to integrate services. Some private institutions are already using.

Teachers who currently converging in the classroom are digital immigrants. Unlike students, who are natives in the new technologies, tools and virtual spaces are areas that tend to move with more uncertainties than certainties.

The interaction is a defining element of making education

Dr. Lorenzo Garcia Aretio Dean of the Faculty of Education at UNED. Full Professor of Theory of Education and Distance Education at the Faculty of Education, UNED. UNESCO Chair Holder EaD.Por InoueEl Veronica Dean of the Faculty of Education, UNED, Dr. Garcia Aretio, gave an exclusive interview LEARNING REVIEW Spain in which he reveals his opinion on various issues: quality education, challenges education at the pedagogical benefits of integration of ICT in this area.

Learning Review: Given its extensive experience in education-both onsite and distance, we would like to give us your opinion on what it considers the challenges that educational level distance learning lie ahead.

Hundred people throughout Latin America participated in a workshop on eLearning 2.0 given by e-ABC

Learning styles and e-learning towards greater academic achievement

Aula Magica"E-learning  is undergoing a constant process of expansion going forward in the coming years," according to blog about learning technologie: Magic Classroom . Through this article demonstrates the advantages of this modality in education, in recent times has been gaining strength.

The e-learning has become a tool but does not guarantee higher quality and faster learning by itself, allows the application of tools that make it achieve more effective learning.

Live Online has the advantages of e-learning: how to study without leaving home

La RazonOn September, the Spanish magazine La Razón.es, published an article on Corporate Responsibility campaign Antena 3 Group, Live Online, which deals with the different micro television and radio broadcasting company with technologies to bring the whole society.

The article explains how thanks to new digital tools the people can participate in language courses or study at the university without leaving home.

To read the full article

Let's talk about e-learning ...

E-learningImmersed in the Information Society and Knowledge, increasingly more users that are uploaded to "train" of Internet, new technologies, virtual social networks, virtual communities ... and this requires us to consider what role each of these possibilities (tools, resources ...) in learning.

"e-learning: use of new multimedia technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services as well as exchanges and distance collaboration. " (Commission of the European Communities. Brussels: 2001).

Getting Started With Mobile Learning?

Getting Started With Mobile Learning? is the title of the article on mobile learning, published in Upside Learning Blog. Begins by emphasizing that "Mobile learning is in the air" and that is the buzzword in the educational background of these days and you can not escape all that entails.

How to Choose an Online PhD Program?

An article about choosing an online doctoral program you can find it in elearning 3.0 blog, which discusses how difficult it is to attend a university to obtain his degree due to work schedules, family life, and restrictive budgets , and doctoral programs online can be useful to be able to study on a flexible schedule, and as an online education tends to be less expensive.

The author warns of online doctoral programs without proper credentials or credibility and what are the variables to consider.

The e-learning is aimed at social networks

Tools 2.0 (blogs, social media and video games) have become the perfect partner for business training. The challenge in coming years will be the application of social networks to corporate training and development of 'mobile learning', through mobile phones.

Change is the only immutable. The digital realm has become a very few years. Blogs, video games and especially social networks have cropped in a short time a great success that online training should not be missed. According to a report Adecco Training, in recent years, companies are giving more prominence to 2.0 tools and draw a clear trend towards reduced hours in the classroom to combine this approach with e-learning.

Redfox Technologies and Microsoft launch innovative e-learning solution in Nursing

E-Learning 2.0: una nueva dimensión para la formación

The e-learning 2.0 uses the services of Web 2.0 gives us to improve the training processes, posing particular challenges in relation to how knowledge is distributed today.
It also improves the way they manage and evaluate the training process involving new technology solutions.
Today we choose to consider what approach to instructional design and integration of resources and how to restructure the training strategies in organizations, to carry the new world of online learning.


In Uruguay there will be free computers for preschoolers

The Uruguayan program "one laptop per child", launched in 2006, will be extended this year to preschool and complete delivery of laptops to all high school students, authorities said Friday the project.
With these deliveries, the end of 2011 more than 600,000 children and adolescents have their computer.
The new phase of Plan Basic Computer Educational Connectivity for Online Learning (Ceibal) involve distributing computers to kindergartens request. Unlike the plan in schools, the computers belong to the children but remain in the school.


New technologies in the classroom. Radio 5 reporting "All News"

radio5Broadcast news article on New technologies in classrooms in Spain's National

How to promote the use of social media in education and training and adult education systems

SVEAHow to promote the use of social media in education and training and adult education systems in Europe. Practical example of the European project SVEA

HTML to Web 2.0: The Autobiography of a decade of university teaching with ICT

Convocatoria CIESS

Bill Gates: In five years the best education will come from the Web

Bill GatesNo, it’s not physical books like Nicholas Negroponte - instead, Gates thinks the idea of young adults having to go to universities in order to get an education is going to go away relatively soon.

“Five years from now on the web for free you’ll be able to find the best lectures in the World” Gates said at the Techonomy conference in Lake Tahoe, CA today. “It will be better than any single university,” he continued.

Education 'online' loses Education complex

Educacion a distanciaIs it necessary to attend a classroom to listen to a teacher to have a quality education? E-learning, which disregards both wins converts every day.

Last academic year 47 270 people studied a Masters degree or an official at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC), which only teaches by Internet. In the UNED (National University of Distance Education), which began 10 years ago to incorporate interactive systems, 60 000 new students enroll each year and is the center with more students from Spain.
